Monday 19 May 2014

After Taking A Hiatus

Oh well, it took me long enough to be back to this blog. Anyway, I finished my finals which means that I'm done with my Year 1 LLB (providing that I pass for all the subjects). I've always wanted to become a lawyer (a solicitor to be more precise), probably influence by those HongKong or Singapore dramas. Took law as one of my subjects in A Level and most of my friends were quite surprised when they knew that I took law as one of my subjects. Most of them thought that I would go to Science field as I took science subjects during SPM.

After taking a 3-month break last year, I signed up for UK Transfer Programme in Brickfields Asia College (yeah, the Nation No. 1 Law School). It's one step nearer to my dream to become a lawyer and to go to the UK to study. The 8 months course passed in a glimpse of an eye, it seems like I just stepped into BAC yesterday.

#1 L-R Steph, Me, Nia and SiewHui. Jzlyne was missing in this photo.
Year 1 wouldn't be interesting without them! We are not only mere uni friends, but also friends who are willing to help each other, stand by each other side when anyone of us face problems, making fun of each other.

#2 With Steph

#3 Yeah, that was Jzlyne behind, acting like a fish

We went to Sunway Pyramid after our last paper to celebrate Steph's birthday and as well as celebrating the end of our finals. Treated her Thai food, bought her cupcakes from Twelve Cupcakes and yeah, present! The lunch was awesome and had a great time spending with them that afternoon.

#4 Red Velvet

#6 Steph was blowing the candle before the candle melted.

#7 The gang

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