Friday 1 January 2016



Time for the annual end-of-the-year roundup.

1. University life
University life is going to over in about 6 months times. Really? Just like that?! I could never imagine myself being in the university about 3 years ago, and now, I have to picture myself as a graduate before I can even get used to the idea of university student.

I am really uncertain about what I want to do after my undergraduate, I am not sure yet if I would like to do my masters first or take a gap year to do intern. My colleague asked what were my plans after I graduate. I replied her in despair 'absolutely no idea' and she just laughed.

2. Travel/Study Abroad
This year, I was so lucky to travel and experience some new places. I am happy to have had the opportunity to visit Gold Coast with Jaz and Siewhui, followed by studying abroad in Oxford. Also, I got to know a lot of people from different countries/culture.

3. Managing my expectations
This year, there were so many situations where managing my expectations were important. I could have been saved from so much disappointment if I didn't expect so much in the first place. This is definitely something I am going to bring forward into the new year and even the rest of my life. Because life is too short to not eat that cookie and it is also too short to be disappointed all the time.

4. Go with the flow
Throughout the year, I have lost some friends, but I gained a few. I feel it is more apparent especially when you are in university and you don't get to see everyone that often. But, I have learnt that if it is not meant to be, it is not meant to be.

You cannot force a relationship. I used to be upset about this, however that is life. I am bound to meet a lot of people along the way and I am grateful for those around me who stayed. This year I resolute to be more neutral and less impulsive when it comes to dealing with relationships.

2016 Resolutions

1. Take up more challenges
Do more things that I am uncomfortable with. If it makes me nervous, all the more reasons to do it. I want to learn a lot, as much as I can, in 2016.

2. Immerse myself in my travels
This means participating more in the research, being more aware in what I am seeing infront and around me. It is quite embarrassing how little I remember of my travels, especially the places I have travelled to when I was younger.

3. Choose to be more positive
I am quite a pessimistic person if you know me well, but happiness is a choice. I hope the new year, I will train my mind to always see the silver lining in whatever struggles I may face.

Anyways, I hope everyone had a great 2015, we made it through the year in one piece! And HAPPY NEW YEAR! Looking forward for a better 2016!
